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Top 3 Ways To Build Brand Recognition

In the famous words of Philip Kotler, “The art of marketing is the art of brand building.” Brand recognition is the first step to brand building. Brands that are recognised are bought. There are no shortcuts to making your brand name popular. Awareness has to be created one step at a time. Stay invested in the process and you would not be disappointed.

Marketers should make the right effort in the direction of building brand recognition so that customer relates and recognise the brand elements that can include a logo, company name, packaging, tag line etc.

The success of a brand awareness campaign is decided by the extent to which a consumer can correctly identify a particular product or service as soon as he comes experiences any of the brand elements. For instance, the Nike swoosh is synonymous to the company and its products. Or just by viewing the apple logo you know the company and its products.

The big question is how does one create a brand that is well-recognised by its customers. Here are the top three tips to build a brand recognition that helps you enhance your reputation along with sales.

  1. Repeated messaging: Reach out to your target audience at regular intervals to reiterate your brand message to him/her. Doing it just once is not enough. Your persuasion will take you a long way in creating brand awareness. Use the right visual and audio means to make your brand elements visible to your prospective customers repeatedly. Seeing the same things again and again, listening to the same messages repeatedly and using the products regularly will create a brand which holds a certain promise to the customer.
  2. Consistent branding: Consistency is the key to creating brand recognition. Image you seeing a brand logo in one particular colour on TV advertisement and the same logo in some other colour on the hoarding. You would obviously not register the logo in your memory. Moreover, the customer will be confused if the two different colour logos belong to the same company or not. Through this crude example, we are trying to make a very important point here. Consistency in all the messages is extremely important to create a brand that is respected and trusted by the customers.
  3. Create a brand personality: Build a narrative around your brand that people love and relate to. For example, take Coca Cola. Its advertisement, brand colour, tag line and promotions all overflowing with a youthful personality. They surely connect very well to the youth. Such narratives help you create a brand personality that will shine through and connect with the right target audience instantly.

The above methods are just the starting point of creating long-lasting brand footprints in the minds of your consumers. It is always advisable to review your brand recognition efforts regularly to incorporate the latest marketing gimmicks in your branding. Remember, the purpose of a brand recognition campaign is to make your brand name commonplace and we are sure you are not willing to leave any stone unturned for this.

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